STUSAU now accepting nominations – Chief Shop Steward, Treasurer and Vice President.

With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering are enormous to you, your family, and your co-workers. It can help you to reduce stress, make new friends, reach out to the community, learn new skills, and even advance your career.

We are all the union, not only the people elected to the Executive. Volunteering to serve your union needs to be shared by all of us.  Please consider running for one of the following positions.   

1. Election of Chief  Shop Stewards (2-year term ending November 2023) – Liaise and meet with Shop Stewards to coordinate their representative activities, provide representation in regards to the employer on such grievance or other matters that the member or the Executive committee may request. Participate in union training related to the representation role of Shop Steward and Chief Shop Steward.

2. Election of Treasurer (2-year term ending November 2023)- Keep full and accurate records of all financial activities and financial accounts, prepare financial statements to be shared with the Executive and Local membership.

3. Election of Vice-President (2-year term ending November 2023)- in the absence or incapacitation of the President, perform all duties of the President until the President returns or a new President is elected should the position fall vacant. The vice President will render assistance to any other officer of the local when requested and will prepare and present a report at the AGM.

For detailed responsibilities of each vacant position, please refer to the STUSAU 60701 By Laws, pages 8-10, found on the website.

Nominations will be accepted up until November 23 at midnight. Please complete and send the attached nomination form to, [email protected]. Voting will take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held virtually on Thursday, November 25 at 6:30pm. A Zoom meeting link will be forwarded to all members prior to the meeting.

In Solidarity,

Erica Cairns, President, Local 60701