Meet the Team

President – Alison Belyea
[email protected]

› Coordinates the administration of local affairs through the other officers and local committees.
› Presides at all membership meetings and executive meetings of the local and
is an ex-officio member of all committees of the local.
› Decides, by application of the rules of order, all questions of procedures as chairperson.
› Is the chief spokesperson of the local in its dealings with management.

Vice-President – Sabrina Jolin
[email protected]

› Performs the duties of the president in case of the absence or resignation.
› Conducts meetings on behalf of the president or assumes the chair when the
president vacates it for any reason during a meeting.
› Assists chairpersons of committees as required and may chair committees as
assigned by the local.

Chief Shop Steward – Helene Noddin [email protected] / [email protected]

› Recruits stewards, organizes and chairs the stewards’ committee.
› Advises stewards and provides guidance and support on some of the tougher cases.
› Tracks grievances and complaints to ensure time limits are respected and files are complete. › Makes sure the collective agreement and all relevant labour laws, acts and regulations, are respected by everyone.
› Works closely with all stewards, executive officers, committees
and local
staff or regional office staff (directly chartered locals)

Treasurer – Candace Wilcox
[email protected]

› Is accountable to the local executive for all finances (receivable and payable).
› Prepares and submits financial reports to each executive or general meeting.
› Collects and deposits local funds.
› Carries out other duties as delegated by the local.
› Alerts the local executive about rand members (dues paying members
who have not joined the union) so that they can be signed up.

Secretary – Dawn Buckle-Hachey
[email protected]

› Is responsible for the administrative duties of the local.
› Records the minutes of all membership and executive meetings.
› Administers all communications emanating from or received by the local.
› Administers the reports of committees.
› Works closely with the president on all local.
› Maintains a filing system for the local

Shop Steward – Darrell Locke
[email protected]

› Interacting with members and providing information and education to members.
› Mobilizing members to support union bargaining and other initiatives.
› Enforcing collective agreements
› Solving problems in the workplace and representing members during complaints and grievances
› Liaising with the chief shop steward, local/branch executive and shop stewards’ network on workplace issues

Shop Steward- Bailey Gardner
[email protected]

› Interacting with members and providing information and education to members.
› Mobilizing members to support union bargaining and other initiatives.
› Enforcing collective agreements
› Solving problems in the workplace and representing members during complaints and grievances
› Liaising with the chief shop steward, local/branch executive and shop stewards’ network on workplace issues