President- 2-year term…
Preside at all meetings preserve order; decide all points of order and procedure; general supervision of the affairs and business of the Association; Ex-officio member of all committees; ensure that all Officers perform their assigned duties; attend Conventions as the Delegate of the Local Union; prepare and present a written report at the Annual General Membership Meeting.
Vice President-1 year term…
In the absence or incapacitation of the President, perform all of the duties of the President; if the office of the President falls vacant, be Acting President until a new President is elected; render assistance to any Officer of the Local Union as requested by the Executive Officers in committee; prepare and present a written report at the Annual General Membership Meeting.
Recording Secretary- 2-year term…
Attend all meetings of the Executive and the membership and record all facts and minutes of all proceedings; give all notices required to be given to Regular Members and to Officers; be the custodian of all books, papers, records, contracts, and other documents belonging to the Local Union; prepare and present a written report at the Annual General Membership Meeting.
Chief Shop Steward- 1 year term…
Liaise with and report to the Executive and membership regarding the status of grievance and legal complaint matters; liaise and meet with Shop Stewards and coordinate their representative activities; consult with Shop Stewards and the Executive of specific matters of Collective Agreement interpretation and grievances; make every reasonable effort to participate in union training relevant to the representation role of Chief Shop Steward; prepare and present a written report at the Annual General Membership Meeting.
Shop Stewards- 2-year term…
Provide first-level advice and representation to employees in the bargaining unit; work in consultation with and under the general coordination and direction of the Chief Shop Steward; comply with directions from the Executive of the Local Union with respect to representation on any grievance matter; make every reasonable effort to participate in union training relevant to the representation role of Shop Steward.
Members can self-nominate or can nominate someone else (with prior consent). A notice of all names put forward will be distributed 5 days prior to the January Annual General Meeting.